California BEAD Challenge Portal


Register to submit a challenge! Permissible challengers, per the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) guidance, must represent a local government, Tribal government, nonprofit, or broadband service provider. It is also strongly recommended that your entity requests an NTIA Fabric License.Tier D licenses are for broadband service providers.Tier E licenses are for local governments, Tribal governments, and nonprofits.

Pre-registration is available now and can be completed in less than 2 minutes. After your organization's eligibility has been confirmed, you will be granted credentials to the platform from which you can submit any number of challenges once the Challenge Process has begun. Registration will remain open through the conclusion of the Rebuttal Phase. Review the BEAD Challenge Process Policy Notice below to see the different challenge categories and types to ensure you submit the appropriate evidence for each.

After the Challenge Phase concludes, eligible rebutters may provide evidence on challenged locations during the Rebuttal Phase. After the Rebuttal Phase concludes, challenges will be adjudicated, and a final list of eligible locations submitted to NTIA for approval. Upon NTIA's final approval, the updated map will be used as the basis for allocating BEAD funding across the state.

BEAD Challenge Process Policy Notice v1.3
Note: Further information about the Challenge Process may be provided. Please check back frequently for the most updated guidance.